Jan 8, 2020 | Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits
Cluster Voicings Cluster voicings are another possibility to add interesting harmonic structures to your music. As opposed to “normal” clusters that stack minor OR major seconds, cluster voicings follow a certain scale structure incorporating only notes of the current...
Aug 30, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Balance of the Harp In a real orchestral tutti, there’s hardly any chance for the harp to be heard. The only thing that might have a chance to cut through are quite strong and expansive glissandos, but any figuration etc. gets lost already in a mezzoforte tutti. Most...
Aug 23, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Vibrato The amount and intensity of vibrato as a default playing style is highly depending on the instrument and also location of the orchestra. While string players naturally add vibrato to longer notes, brass players only play with slight vibrato when they have an...
Aug 14, 2019 | Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits
Hook Lines in Film Scoring The concept of a “hook-line” – as it is called in the pop world – is to create one or several elements that stick in the memory of the listener and create something that is easily remembered and recognized once it appears again. As opposed...
Jun 14, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Mutes on String Instruments Using mutes on string instruments has some important things to consider and remember. Mutes as seen on this picture have no influence on the vibration of the strings but simply alter the way how the vibration of the strings is transmitted...