Learn Your Tools

Learn Your Tools Working as a composer for commercial media requires you to stay up to date regarding technical and stylistic developments. This means, it is part of the job to more or less regularly get accustomed to a new piece of soft- or hardware. This could be...

Loops, Prerecorded Phrases and Presets

Loops, Prerecorded Phrases and Presets The use of loops, presets and prerecorded phrases is seen very controversial among the community of composers with some people using only their own individually programmed presets and loops. There are of course two sides to this:...

Being Prepared for Outsourcing Work

Being Prepared for Outsourcing Work At certain points, for example when a project becomes just too big to be pulled off only by yourself in the time given, you will not get around outsourcing certain parts of the work to someone else. Usually things like score/part...