Arpeggios on Brass Instruments

Arpeggios on Brass Instruments While fast chord arpeggios are great and no problem to play on strings and woodwinds, they can become very difficult on brass instruments. It is quite tricky for brass players to cover a big range safely in a short time and especially if...

Triple Dynamics

Triple Dynamics The dynamic range of orchestra musicians spans more or less between pp and ff. Triple dynamics, even though used quite regularly especially by inexperienced orchestrators will mostly result in not sounding any different than the double dynamics. Only...

Mood Killers in Scoring Sessions

Mood Killers in Scoring Sessions An orchestra is not only an ensemble of different instruments but also a group of human beings. Psychological factors can influence the performance quite heavily, not only whether it is a rainy day or things like that but also by the...

What is an A Orchestra?

What is an A Orchestra? When you’re on a tight music budget and still want to record an orchestra, it is a good plan to set up orchestral sessions with a so-called A-, B- and sometimes even C-orchestra, meaning that you specifically write certain cues for a smaller...