Jun 24, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
The Media Business and Empty Promises The media world is full of people who make a lot of empty promises or try to sell themselves and their project way above value. You need to develop a sense for such people an generally be very sceptical. Usually, when something...
Mar 18, 2019 | Career Building, Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
“Real World” Communication Benefits In times where communication over long distances can easily be done via all sorts of practically instantaneous communication and where members of one project are scattered all over the planet, you should take every opportunity that...
Mar 4, 2019 | Career Building, Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
The Director-Composer Relationship Once there has been established a working relationship between a director and a composer, as long as both parties are happy with this relationship, it will usually last for quite a while. While this is beneficial and makes a few...
Dec 10, 2018 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
Relying on only a Few Clients Always take care to have a wide range of customers. When you are in a comfortable position of getting a steady flow of projects and therefore income from a few customers, you might not see the urgent pressure to aquire new customers but...
Oct 29, 2018 | Career Building, Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
When to Start Looking for Scoring Gigs It is never too early to start scoring movies. I often hear excuses like “I want to perfect my writing skills before I do the first film project” or “I need to buy some more sample libraries in order to create music properly.” as...