Finding Thematic Material

Finding Thematic Material Finding the right thematic material and having both parties (you and your customer/director) agree on it can take quite some time. When you present possible themes, it is common today to present them in their best shape as directors very...

Narrative Links Beyond Themes

Narrative Links Beyond Themes Themes are not the only thing that can be used to identify characters/locations/situations musically. In fact, using too many themes especially on a genre that usually doesn’t have many themes might just become feeling strangely operatic...

Motivic Development

MOtivic Development Great composers are not measured by the amount of ideas they have but rather what they do with a few ideas. Very often, young or inexperienced composers tend to write pieces that play out one idea just to move on to another idea etc. while losing a...

Chord Arpeggios

Chord Arpeggios Arpeggios or respective broken chords can be a great tool for accompaniment patterns or sources for melodic gestures. On accompanying figures they help to establish a sense of harmony but also keep a steady rhythm going. On melodies they help to...

9-1 Resolutions

9-1 Resolutions In practically any chord type and progression you can add very filmic sounding inner voices by relying on the 9-1 resolution. When you for example use a C major chord it will give you a colourful inner voice when some instrument (apart from the bass of...