Jan 6, 2020 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
Package Deals There are basically two different ways of how the music budget of a production is being coordinated. 1.) The composer gets a fee for writing the music and any additional expenses for the production of the music (including orchestra recordings,...
Nov 18, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
Several Composers on One Project In the current media world with increasingly tighter deadlines, it has become quite common to have more than one composer on one project, not only for different sub departments (e.g. one composer for score and one for songs) but even...
Oct 21, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
Negotiating Payment Structure On projects that take quite a long time (like several months), you should make sure to negotiate payments in installments. Even though the prospect of being paid quite a lot of money after the project is exciting, it doesn’t help to pay...
Oct 14, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
Number of Revisions Limits One of the most important things to do when negotiating a deal, especially on the “smaller” projects, is to limit the amount of revisions. A deal that at first seems really good can really become a nightmare when the client requests revision...
Jun 24, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
The Media Business and Empty Promises The media world is full of people who make a lot of empty promises or try to sell themselves and their project way above value. You need to develop a sense for such people an generally be very sceptical. Usually, when something...