Be Easy to Work With

Be Easy to Work With Clients most of the time value a lot how easy it is to work with, sometimes even more than your musical expertise. It is one of the biggest nightmares for any producer/director etc. to work with a composer who isn’t able or willing to communicate...

Calculating Your Own Fee

Calculating your own fee Many composers who just start out in the field are often unsure about how much money to ask for a job before they are hired fearing that if they ask for too much they will lose the job. Also, the insecurity often comes from simply not knowing...

Relying on Only a Few Clients

Relying on only a Few Clients Always take care to have a wide range of customers. When you are in a comfortable position of getting a steady flow of projects and therefore income from a few customers, you might not see the urgent pressure to aquire new customers but...

(Re-)Scoring Blockbuster Scenes

(Re-)Scoring Blockbuster Scenes Many especially young composers are looking for film material to practice scoring. And due to many of them wanting to write so-called epic music, it becomes even trickier to find footage as it’s not particularly easy to find amateur or...