Nov 27, 2019 | Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits
Drop 2 and Drop 2+4 A very easy way to gain more sonority in your chord voicings or to make more space for the top line is to “drop 2”, “drop 2+4” or traditionally called “open voicing”. These are pretty simple procedures to spread out close position voicings to fill...
Nov 6, 2019 | Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits
Parallel Movement of Several Voices Parallel movement of many voices usually sounds musically rather unattractive. Particularly if you let several voices leap into the same direction, the collective change of instrumental register will create a sonical disconnect that...
Aug 16, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Compose With Orchestration in Mind When you’re writing music, at least have a basic idea about the orchestration while doing so. Writing something completely disconnected from the orchestration will cause compromises in the orchestration process later. The problem...