Dynamic Shaping of Sustained Brass

Dynamic Shaping of Sustained Brass Brass instruments have the greatest timbral change over their dynamic spectrum. Therefore swells, crescendos, sffz, fp are highly dramatic and very effective on them. If you use long sustained brass chords or tones on key parts of...

Musical Hits on Cuts

Musical Hits on Cuts Try to avoid placing hit points or musical accents/downbeats on cuts except for moments where it is meant to be like that (e.g. trailers/spoofs). In general, you should rather try to disguise cuts with your music rather than making them even more...

Placement of Hit Points

Placement of Hit Points The exact placement of musical hit points is very often a matter of psychology and should be done quite carefully. On quite a few hit points it’s not the most effective thing to place the musical accent exactly on the visual action but rather...