PUBG – ERANGEL – ORCHESTRA Arrangement (Merregnon Studios, 2019) PUBG – ERANGEL -Orchestra Arrangement (Merregnon Studios, 2019) Arrangement/Orchestration of the orchestral Version of the Title...
OTTO NORMAL & PHILHARMONISCHES ORCHESTER FREIBURG Concert (Germany, 2019) OTTO NORMAL & POF Concert (Germany, 2019) Arranger for a Crossover Concert featuring the Band Otto Normal and the Philharmonisches Orchester Freiburg at Stadttheater Freiburg, Germany....
MINISTRY OF SOUND – THE ANNUAL CLASSICAL Concert Event (United Kingdom, 2019) MINISTRY OF SOUND – THE ANNUAL CLASSICAL Concert Event (United Kingdom, 2019) Co-Arrangement and Co-Orchestration of 90s Dance Tracks for Lost Track Productions. Several Tour...
CLASSICAL 90s DANCE VOL. 2 Album (Germany, 2018) CLASSICAL 90s DANCE VOL. 2 Album (Germany, 2018) Orchestral Arrangements for Alex Christensen of BLUE, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, SANDSTORM and ADAGIO FOR STRINGS. Recorded at TELDEX STUDIOS BERLIN...
PETTERSON & FINDUS – FINDUS ZIEHT UM Feature Film (Germany, 2018) PETTERSON & FINDUS – FINDUS ZIEHT UM Feature Film (Germany, 2018) Orchestrations for Ali N....