SUZUME Feature Film/Animation (Japan, 2022) SUZUME Feature Film/Animation (Japan, 2022) Orchestrations for the score by Kazuma Jinnouchi and Radwimps. Score recorded at Abbey Road Studios & Angel Studios, London, as well as Rudolfinum, Prague. Contender of the...
THE MAGIC FLUTE Feature Film (Germany, Austria 2022) The Magic Flute Feature Film (Germany, Austria 2022) Orchestrations for the score by Martin Stock. Recorded with the Mozarteum Orchestra at the Mozarteum, Salzburg. Directed by Florian Sigl. Produced by Roland...
FREIBAD Feature Film (Germany, 2022) FREIBAD Feature Film (Germany, 2022) Orchestrations for the score by Anna Kühlein. Directed by Doris Dörrie. Cinematic release on September 1st...
AUSTRALIAN OPEN 2022 Sport Event (Australia, 2022) Australian Open 2022 Sport Event (Australia, 2022) Orchestral Arrangement of the official sonic branding for Resonance Sonic Branding, composed by Ben...
LINEAGE W Game Score (NCSOFT, 2021) LINEAGE W Game Score (NCSOFT, 2021) Co-Composer, Co-Arranger and Co-Orchestrator. Score recorded at Synchron Stage...