Jan 13, 2020 | Career Building, Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring, General, News, Orchestration, Technical, Working Together
The End of Daily Film Scoring Bits? 2020 marks the tenth anniversary of Daily Film Scoring Bits. What started out as a small idea has quickly developed into a very popular resource for learning composers. I received great feedback from all over the world and obviously...
Feb 11, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General, Working Together
Feedback Time Clause One thing that can sabotage even the most comfortable time buffer on a project is a client who takes forever to give feedback on drafts/demos. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon as directors/producers usually have a lot on their plate during post...
Nov 19, 2018 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General, Working Together
Waiting for Feedback Every well planned work schedule with lots of planned in buffer time for edits and perfect work discipline can get absolutely chaotic when you need to wait forever for feedback on cues. Some clients have just so much to do during the post...
Jul 24, 2018 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring, Working Together
Misleading Briefs by Clients One of the most annoying things are misleading briefs by clients. It’s not too uncommon to get a temp track or a comment by a client that completely sets you on the wrong track of what they actually want. One classic is the temp track...
Jul 12, 2018 | Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits, Working Together
Music vs. Sound Design With sound design being a massively important factor on movies for the last 10-20 years, the way to handle this from the music side has also changed quite a bit. While in earlier times, audio tracks of movies were way less occupied and composers...
Jul 10, 2018 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring, Working Together
Asking questions Sometimes, when you get an edit of a movie to work on it might be highly incomplete, with lots of placeholders, storyboard cut-ins etc. so it might be tricky to actually understand the story or important details. Also, sometimes, the storyline will...