Demo Mock-Ups

Demo Mock-Ups The media world nowadays doesn’t work anymore without detailed mock-ups (aka sample produced demos) of cues. The times when composers just presented their ideas on the piano and the directors trusted them that it will sound great in the end are over. If...

Writing “For Samples”

Writing “For Samples” Even with all the advancement in sampling technology, you unfortunately still need to write “for samples” nowadays. This means that you need to keep the strengths and weaknesses of your samples in the back of your mind and...

Click Track Bleed

Click Track Bleed Click track bleed is one of the most annoying things that can happen in a scoring session, especially when it only gets discovered later in the mix. It results from the click on the headphones of the musicians spilling over to the microphones....

File Versioning

File versioning Keep track of your versions. Many professional programs (be it DAW, Notation etc.) by now offer to save versions of your project to be able to later revert to them. It is extremely helpful to actually write comments on these versions (about what is...

Learning a new Software

Learning a new Software Every now and then, you have to learn how to use a new piece of software, for instance you switch to a new sequencer or simply get to know a new sample library etc. With quite complex software for music professionals, the learning curve can...

Music mix as part of the concept

Music Mix as Part of the Concept Not only your musical concept and style is part of making a score homogenous but also the mix. If you record a live ensemble for your score, you will most likely have a quite homogenous mix throughout the score as the room/mics etc....