Oct 14, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
Number of Revisions Limits One of the most important things to do when negotiating a deal, especially on the “smaller” projects, is to limit the amount of revisions. A deal that at first seems really good can really become a nightmare when the client requests revision...
Oct 7, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
What is an A Orchestra? When you’re on a tight music budget and still want to record an orchestra, it is a good plan to set up orchestral sessions with a so-called A-, B- and sometimes even C-orchestra, meaning that you specifically write certain cues for a smaller...
Sep 30, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
Consequences of Unfair Business Behavior Play a fair game. Ripping off people you work with is definitely one of the worst ideas. In the media world, reputation and the word of mouth are very strong factors. Once you get a reputation to be someone who doesn’t play...
Sep 10, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
Typecasting Composers Typecasting happens quite quickly and is a very annoying situation for most composers or practically any creative person. Once you have a notable success in a genre or in a job, probably most follow-up jobs will be more or less of the same kind...
Sep 2, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
Writer’s Block Writer’s block is something that is extremely annoying especially when you are under heavy deadline pressure. At certain moments, if you let yourself being dragged down by this, it can even cause pure despair. Whenever you suffer from writer’s...
Aug 26, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
Career Dependency on Someone Else Don’t make your own career depending solely on someone else’s career. Don’t feel like you have your foot firmly on the ladder just because you have a great working relationship with one director/company who’ll definitely hire you for...