WEBsite RElaunch
Welcome to the relaunched version of my web site. After sticking to the same layout for more than 5 years, it was about time to move the site to the current web design standards. Also, the old page became quite cluttered over the years so here we go with a streamlined and more reduced version of the web site.
New awesome features include a proper portfolio site where you can quickly find information on all the projects I have worked on. Also, the very popular DAILY FILM SCORING BITS have become way more functional. They can now be found through the search function and are properly tagged, so if you’re looking for a tip on a very specific topic, you can now simply go ahead and search for it.
If you’re looking for content from the old page including the Daily Film Scoring Bits archives and tutorials, don’t worry, they will reappear soon.
Some corners of the page might still be buggy or not look extremely pretty, those things will get fixed over time.
I hope you’re enjoying your visit!