Tired Ears

Tired Ears If possible never deliver a final mix for important clients right after you finished working on it but rather sleep over it. Very often, when you work for a long time on a piece you either start to not hear problems or start to hear problems that are not...

Two Bar Structures

Two Bar Structures Lots of music nowadays is very heavily orientated on structures that are multiples of two bars. Often themes are presented in an 8 bar form which can be subdivided into two groups of 4 bars which can again be subdivided into two 2 bar groups. While...

Finding the Right Tempo for a Cue

Finding the Right Tempo for a Cue Getting the tempo of a scene right is one of the most essential parts of film scoring. Even the best music can be a disaster when it drags a scene or pushes it too hard. Often there are only few objective indicators to find a tempo...

What is an A Orchestra?

What is an A Orchestra? When you’re on a tight music budget and still want to record an orchestra, it is a good plan to set up orchestral sessions with a so-called A-, B- and sometimes even C-orchestra, meaning that you specifically write certain cues for a smaller...

Bow Tremolo Stamina

Bow Tremolo Stamina While bow tremolos on the strings create a great shimmering or a very climactic effect, make sure to not write too long passages in tremolo. Especially on loud dynamics, this technique becomes quite exhausting and eventually the muscles of your...