Click Track and Gradual Tempo Changes

Click Track and Gradual Tempo Changes Ritardandos and accelerandos are very tricky to do with a click track that live players need to record to later. Especially the standard tempo changes that DAW’s offer with a constant slowdown or speedup usually feel very...

Tolerance of Dissonance

Tolerance of Dissonance One of the strongest factors in music is the duality between tension and resolution, which can be found in the smallest musical units (e.g. V-I cadence) to the largest extents (big structure of symphonies etc.). However the ear of the 21st...

Unpredictable Income

Unpredictable Income One of the most frightening things in being self employed, especially at the beginning, is the mostly complete unpredictability about your stream of income. This is even more scary when being a composer where you’re depending on projects that...

Trombone Slide Difficulties

Trombone Slide Difficulties The unique construction of the trombones with their slides gives them a possibility to do certain things that other brass instruments can’t do (e.g. seamless glissandi) but also limits them in certain situations. Especially in the lower...