Remote Music Mixing

Remote Music Mixing Being present on the music mix is obviously the best situation but sometimes due to budget or location issues, it is not possible to be there. Unless you’re mixing the music yourself, you need to have quite a bit of trust in your mixing engineer....

Chance as Creative Force

Chance as Creative Force In composition, chance can be a strong creative force. Accidentally hitting a few interesting notes on the keyboard or stumbling across an inspiring sound, even getting melodic ideas from a bird tweeting etc. can all be very good sources for...

Narrative Links Beyond Themes

Narrative Links Beyond Themes Themes are not the only thing that can be used to identify characters/locations/situations musically. In fact, using too many themes especially on a genre that usually doesn’t have many themes might just become feeling strangely operatic...

Price Dumping Between Composers

Price Dumping Between Composers Learn to say no. The entertainment business unfortunately is a field where price dumping is everyday’s business. Unfortunately, even among composers there is often a lack of decency regarding such issues. Some composers will fight to...

Limits of Balancing Rules

Limits of Balancing Rules Balancing out orchestral “forces” is a lifelong learning process as there are dozens of factors involved that have influence on how sections in the orchestra balance. Not only does the instrument by itself but also its number, the dynamic,...