Real Musicians and Rhythmic Complexity

Real Musicians and Rhythmic Complexity One of the most common reasons for slowdowns in recording sessions with real musicians are (unnecessarily) tricky rhythms. As a composer/orchestrator you should always be sure that real musicians are not sequencers that can play...

Practicing Small Emotions

Practicing Small Emotions A good exercise to gain a big vocabulary for film scoring is to practice “small emotions”. It is quite easy to go for the full sad or the super happy scoring but trying to write something that is “a little bit melancholic” or “slightly...

Moral Concerns as Composer

Moral Concerns as Composer Many artists are at least once in their career in the situation where they might become instrumentalized for ideas or beliefs they personally don’t agree with. Being a composer in the media world maximizes this possibility. Every composer...

“Bells up” on French Horns

“Bells Up” on French Horns For French Horns there is quite often seen in score sheets a request to put the “Bells up” which is supposed to give them some extra volume and brassyness. Even some sample patches are available that cover this technique. Among...

Influence of Recording Stage Size

Influence of Recording Stage Size If you have a choice between several recording venues, you should make a wise decision, which kind of sound your music needs. The advantage of a small space is that you get a lot of precision in the sound. This is very useful when you...